Below you will find a list of many different contributions the community has made to Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud! This extends the platform and increases the developer experience overall!
Feel like something is missing? Let me know on Twitter or the Unofficial Slack!
Browser Extensions
The extension is created to ease SFCC developers with their daily tasks by giving them quick access to pages in Business Manager, automatic log-in, tools for enhancing their working experience, and a lot more.
Download & Install
An extension to simplify life by logging into Salesforce Account Manager using 2FA (TOTP only - Generator APP).
Thomas Theunen
Download & Install
IDE Extensions / Plugins
Cartridge Overrides
VS Code Extension to Display SFCC Cartridge Overrides
Peter Schmalfeldt
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Browse the SFCC documentation directly from VSCode.
Mihai Ionut Vilcu
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SFCC Jobs Executor
Run SFCC jobs from VSCode and view the job logs in the output panel.
Mihai Ionut Vilcu
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A VS Code extension to work with Demandware/Salesforce Cloud code on Sandbox that support the Script Debugger API (SDAPI) 2.0
Anatolii Obitskyi
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SFCC Studio
Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) Studio Plugin for Jetbrains IDEs.
Charlie Choiniere
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High quality Salesforce Commerce Cloud type definitions. A dw-api-types "done right"
Fabrizio Giustina
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Apple Web Sign-In
This cartridge adds support for Apple Web Sign-In in SFRA.>
Note: This cartridge includes extra functionality to verify the identity of the user by validating the id_token received from apple servers. This is implemented to follow apple's guidelines on security.
Ranveer Raghuwanshi
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Commerce Cloud Libraries
This repository contains libraries converted and tested to work with the latest version of Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C (Rhino Engine).
Thomas Theunen
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Commerce Storefront POCs
This repo is a composable storefront implementation with various proof of concepts baked in. It otherwise closely tracks pwa-kit
Charles Lavery, Sandra Golden and Johnny Green
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Catalog Reducer Extension
The Catalog Reducer Extension is a Business Manager Extension that was created to provide a simple, easy way to export smaller version of Production catalogs, for use on sandboxes on the Salesforce B2C Commerce Platform.
Jordane Bachelet
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Concept to add data tracking into SFRA.
This plugin provides an implementation blueprint on website data tracking (server side data and client events) and
creates a sfra datalayer which could be used when connecting to other tracking providers like GTM and Tealium.
Andreas Seyfarth
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Developers Core
A Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) Cartridge for Developers.
Peter Schmalfeldt
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Dynamic Caching
This plugin adds dynamic page caching based on sales velocity and inventory.
Thomas Theunen
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Einstein API (SCAPI)
This is the repository for the plugin_einstein_api plugin. This plugin enhances the app_storefront_base cartridge by adding the Einstein API capabilities.
Jordane Bachelet
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EU Price Indication
This repository provides a set of tools with which merchants may build ecommerce storefront compliant with eu directive 2019/2161 (referred as omnibus directive)
Holger Nestmann & Daniel Mersiowsky
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Email Previewer
This plugin introduces a new controller that allows you to preview email templates right from your browser. This plugin is natively disabled from the production instance, and is intended to be used on testing instances only (sandboxes / development / staging).
Jordane Bachelet
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Filter Navigation
his plugin enhances the SFRA by keeping track of search navigation through asynchronous actions, including the following capabilities: Moving back and forth between filter changes and going back to the PLP from a PDP without losing your location
Thomas Theunen
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Google Tag Manager
An easy to use Google Tag Manager plugin for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, specifically SFRA. This plugin is almost entirely plug and play.
Red Van Workshop
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Hooks Collection
This repository contains common or complex OCAPI hooks required to run headless projects with commerce cloud b2c. It is meant as guideline and sample code, but not to use as is.
Holger Nestmann
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An implementation of JSON Web Tokens for Salesforce Commerce Cloud SFRA.
Ranveer Raghuwanshi
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Passwordless Login
Passwordless login is a way to verify a user’s identity without using a password. It offers protection against the most prevalent cyberattacks, such as phishing and brute-force password cracking. Passwordless login systems use authentication methods that are more secure than regular passwords, including magic links, one-time codes, registered devices or tokens, and biometrics.
Sandra Golden
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Resource Manager
This cartridge contains a Business Manager module that allows editing and publishing of resource bundles.
Sander Felius
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This is the repository for the link_sentry plugin. This plugin adds Sentry Monitoring, including Client Side error reporting, Server-Side error reporting and more
Thomas Theunen
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This is the repository for the plugin_seo plugin. This plugin enhances the app_storefront_base cartridge by adding more SEO capabilities to the existing SFRA layer.
Jordane Bachelet
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Link cartridge for Cloudflare Turnstile.
Thomas Theunen
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This cartridge is designed for passwordless authentication with Web Authentication API (WebAuthn).
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CLI Tools
Accessibility Tester
A CLI tool that tests client websites for Accessibility Issues and generates reports that can be assigned to Developers.
Peter Schmalfeldt
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b2c-tools is a CLI tool and library for data migrations, import/export, scripting, and other tasks with SFCC B2C instances. It is intended to be complementary to other tools such as sfcc-ci for development and CI/CD scenarios.
Charles Lavery
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Build Suite
Use the Build Suite to automate and customize your build processes. Configure your build and deployment process and hit a single button to package a build, deploy it to your environment, and activate the new code version.
Salesforce + Community (Too many to mention)
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Cartridge Diff
Command Line Tool for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Cartridge Compare. Working with SFCC Cartridge overrides just got easier: Compare client cartridge against other cartridges, Generate diffs between override files & Filter using local git changes.
Peter Schmalfeldt
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Catalog Reducer
This node tool allows you to take a large catalog and shrink it to a smaller catalog by using selection criteria.
Danny Gehl
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Catalog Reducer for SFCC
Usually production catalog is huge and SFCC sandboxes cannot handle a big amount of catalog data without performance degradation. On the other hand, a sandbox is an instance for developing a site and it does not require an entire catalog to be present on it. Will be enough to have few properly configured categories and all types of products.
Vladyslav Hryhola
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Remote tail Salesforce Commerce Cloud logs via WebDAV. Allow monitoring more logs at once, merging the content of all the files in a single stream—reports to the console or a FluentD collector.
Fabrizio Giustina
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eCDN Log Transformer
Tool for converting Salesforce Commerce Cloud Cloudflare eCDN-WAF log to standard log formats like W3C.
Ranveer Raghuwanshi
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Salesforce Commerce Cloud API
A CLI tool for making Open Commerce API and Salesforce Commerce API calls.
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SFCC Catalog Pricebook
Create Salesforce Commerce Cloud Pricebook XML from Catalog XML.
Red Van Workshop
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The Salesforce Commerce Cloud CLI is a command line interface (CLI) for Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It can be used to facilitate deployment and continuous integration practices using Salesforce B2C Commerce.
Tobias Lohr
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Make developing for Salesforce Commerce Cloud work with any IDE on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
Peter Schmalfeldt
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SFCC Schemas
Salesforce Commerce Cloud import and export schemas validator.
Fabrizio Giustina
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Salesforce Commerce Cloud Developer Experience is a command-line interface (CLI) for Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It can be used to quickly move metadata from and to your environment easily.
Thomas Theunen
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Unused Resource Keys
Find unused resource keys in properties files in a Salesforce Commerce Cloud project and get rid of them.
Noël Ströhmer-Lohfink
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WebDAV Bulk Transfer
This tool is designed to bulk download and upload files through WebDAV. This tool can also transfer files from a WebDAV server to another (mixing download and upload methods) in one command. By the way, the tool is designed to * handle files recursively (recursive option) * upload only files that does not exists on the target server (onlynewfiles option)
Jordane Bachelet
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XML Split
Split a large XML file into smaller chunks based on the given options.
Jordane Bachelet
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Jenkins Builder Suite: Deploy
Deploy your build to a Salesforce Commerce Cloud instance.
Daniel Anechitoaie
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Jenkins Builder Suite: Data Import
Import your site data to a Salesforce Commerce Cloud instance.
Daniel Anechitoaie
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Jenkins Builder Suite: Run Job
Import your site data to a Salesforce Commerce Cloud instance.
Daniel Anechitoaie
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Community Docs
The purpose of this repository is to store supplemental information for developers in a versioned fashion that encourages collaborative editing and contributions from the SF B2C Commerce developer community.
Salesforce + Community
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This is a mock API or an API stub for the Demandware Script API, the main goal is to make unit testing easier so that not every single Class/Object needs to be stubbed out.
Salesforce + Community
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Export Page Designer Page
A handy tool to extract a single Page Designer page from a library XML file.
Aleksandr Isaienko
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Live Catalog Edit
Edit SFCC catalog in a Google Sheet and sync easily with any instance.
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This project will serve as a local NodeJS based Proxy server that will forward requests to an Salesforce Commerce Cloud OCAPI instance.
John Facey
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OCAPI Settings With Ease
An online project on Heroku to make it a lot easier to set permissions for a specific API Key.
Jordane Bachelet
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One Page Preferences
It is used to build a one-page view of all the site preferences within an SFCC instance.
Ketan Gupta
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Splunk Connector
This scripted input reads one or more logs from Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) into Splunk. This script can be configured to pull many different log types from SFCC into other indexes or source types.
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